Latest iMlango project update

The following is a post from Changez Ndzai, Vetting Officer at Camara Kenya

It is 7.30 am at Malindi Central Primary school. The temperatures started to rise and even though it’s early, I can see the pupils very determined, settled in their perspective classes revising their work.

I am in Malindi, a tourist town located at the north side of the coast region of Kenya. Here the main challenge, as far as education is concerned, is girls dropping out of school at a young age due to ”child labour” and early marriage. I am delighted to learn that this scenario is about to change with the introduction of iMlango Project and the maths-whizz software in the school.

During the ongoing training, I was happy to see some of the students trying to fool me saying that they did not finish their maths-whizz assessments so they could stay longer working on the computer. When talking with the young pupils, they told me that mathematics is their main challenge when studying.

The good news is that since the introduction of the iMlango project in the school the ones who used to hate maths are now enjoying and finding the subject friendly and easy to understand due to the help of the ”maths-whizz” software.

Another iMlango and maths-whizz advantage is that students are developing higher understanding skills and excelling in the English language as the software uses tools such as audio, graphics and visual designs to show maths problems to students to solve. They also told me that they find it easy to understand them because it can be related to their daily activities hence making it much less complicated to be solved.

 Until next time,
The iMlango team